
Intel 80196 - CMX Multi-Tasking RTOS

Truly pre-emptive, multi-tasking operating system for Intel 80C196 microcontrollers

The CMX-RTX real-time operating system comes with full source code. No royalties are charged on shipped products and 180 days of free support and updates are included with each purchased license.

Intel 80C196 RTOS Features

  • Supports nested interrupts
  • Extremely fast context switch times
  • Very low interrupt latency times
  • Several C vendors supported
  • Scheduler and interrupt handler written in assembly for speed and optimization
  • All CMX functions contained in library
  • User configurable
  • Task management
  • Event management
  • Timer management
  • Message management
  • Circular queue management
  • Resource management
  • Semaphore management
  • Fixed block memory management
  • Specialized UART management
  • Automatic power-down management
  • Full pre-emption and ability to also have cooperative and time slice scheduling

Task Management

Create a task; Remove a task; Start a task; Suspend a task, with time-out provision; Wake a suspended task; Forcefully wake a task; Change a task's priority; Terminate a task early; Do a cooperative rescheduling; Disable task scheduling; Enable task scheduling.

Event Management

Wait on event(s), with time-out provision; Set an event; Clear an event.

Message Management

Get a message; Wait for a message, with time-out provision; Send a message; Send a message, wait for reply; Wake task that sent message, if waiting on reply; Wait on Mailbox(s), with time-out provision.

Queue Management

Create a circular queue; Reset queue to empty; Add to top of queue; Add to bottom of queue; Remove from top of queue; Remove from bottom of queue.

Timer Management

Create a cyclic timer; Change a cyclic timer event parameters; Start a cyclic timer; Restart a cyclic timer; Restart a cyclic timer, with new initial time period and/or new cyclic time period; Stop a cyclic timer.

Memory Management

Create a fixed block pool; Request free block from pool; Release block back to pool.

Resource Management

Get a resource; Reserve a resource, with time-out provision; Release a resource.
NOTE: the resources have Automatic Priority Inheritance and highest task waiting on resource will become the owner, when resource is released.

Semaphore Management

Get semaphore; Pend for semaphore, with time-out provision; Post to semaphore; Flush semaphore.

System Management

Initialize CMX; Enter CMX; Enter interrupt; Exit interrupt; Enter power down mode

UART Management

Initialize UART; Put UART char, with time-out provision; Put UART string, with time-out provision; Get UART char, with time-out provision; Get UART string, with time-out provision; Update UART buffer(s); Initialize UART buffer(s)

80196 RTOS Debugger

Free (with purchase of CTX-RTX license) CMXBug interactive debugger.
The CMXBug debugger provides you with the ability to view and modify different aspects of the CMX multi-tasking operating system environment, while your application code is running. CMXBug runs as a task, usually being the highest priority task. In most cases, one of the target processor's UART channels is used as the input/output device. A simple terminal or CPU with a keyboard is all that is needed to use CMXBug.

80196 RTOS License Versions

The CTX-RTX RTOS comes in two different versions:
  • Single User License: Allows a single user (developer) to use the CTX-RTX software in an unlimited number of end-products. Additional single-user licenses are available at a discount. Note: you must order at least one single-user license at full price to be eligible for a reduced-price additional user license. To order both a single-user license and an additional user license, first put a "single user license" in your shopping cart, then return to this page and select the option "additional single user" from the drop-down selection list below. The price in brackets shows the price reduction from the single-user license.
  • Per Product Site License: Allows an unlimited number of developers at your company to work with the CTX-RTX software, but use of the RTOS is limited to a single developed product. This means for each new project/product, you will have to purchase a new license. To order a single site license, select the option "site license" from the drop-down selection list below. The price in brackets shows the price adder over the single user license
Posted by suvisor